Nonel Surface

Nonel surface is a non-electric initiation system, developed to provide the user with simplicity, flexibility and safety. The system is based on a combination of in-hole detonators and surface connector units. The in-hole detonator is intended to initiate the explosive inside the drill hole. It consists of a NPED (i.e. Non-Primary Explosives Detonator) with a suitable length of Nonel tube. The strength is that of a No.8 plain detonator.

The function of the surface connector unit is to further transmit the initiation shock wave in the Nonel-tube at the connection points of the surface. It consists of a suitable length of Nonel-tube and a plastic connector block which contains a mini detonator with or without delay. Each surface connector ia able to initiate a maximum of eight (8) Nonel-tubes (either surface connectors or in-hole detonators).


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